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Book Manager

Clober’s orderbook contract adopts a monolithic design, where a single contract called BookManager contains all the book instances. As a result, all orders, reserves, and states are managed within a single contract.

The major interfaces of the BookManager are as follows:

  1. open: This creates a new Book instance within the BookManager. Note that this does not create a separate contract. It is configured through the Book’s setting, known as the BookKey.
  2. make: This function places a new (bid-side) maker order on a designated Book.
  3. take: This function places a new (ask-side) taker order that consumes the counterparty maker orders at a specific tick on a designated Book. Note that technically it is possible to take from a non-top-of-the-book price, even though it is not reasonable to do so.
  4. claim: When a maker order is filled, the user may call this function to receive the proceeds.
  5. cancel: Users may cancel their maker orders using this function.

Additional functions regarding the lock pattern will be discussed later.