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Integration Guide

This section outlines the steps required to integrate Clober into your aggregator:

  1. Tracking the Open Event
  2. Querying Book Liquidity
  3. Querying Expected Output Amount
  4. Building a Transaction for a Market Order

Market Structure

A market in Clober is composed of two Book structs: the ask book and the bid book. Each Book is distinguished by a primary key called the BookKey, which is explained in detail on this page. Note that the term market here refers to an abstract concept, not an actual contract.

For example, in an ETH/USDC market:

  • The asset in the bid book is USDC.
  • The asset in the ask book is ETH.

Subgraph Endpoint

Deployed Contracts

  • Controller: 0xADc0CC0c3Ea12e57b8BcB7d7C8ac03222487E337
  • BookManager: 0xD4aD5Ed9E1436904624b6dB8B1BE31f36317C636
  • BookViewer: 0xe81e78f946e34d13Dcb6fd46a78713E0FFDA5613