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Rebalancer is a project that provides liquidity to the orderbook DEX Clober by placing limit orders in the orderbook, generating yield from market making. Similar to how you supply liquidity to an AMM-style pool, Rebalancer also receives user funds but redistributes that liquidity as limit orders (bids/asks) on Clober’s DEX orderbook.

Key Features

  1. Maximizing Market Making Revenue
    • Through Clober DEX’s orderbook, Rebalancer can place limit orders at specific Ticks (price ranges), potentially achieving higher market-making returns compared to supplying liquidity in an AMM.
  2. ERC6909-compliant LP Tokens
    • When LPs (liquidity providers) supply assets to Rebalancer, they receive ERC6909 standard LP tokens in return.
  3. Flexible Strategy Module
    • Each pool has a dedicated Strategy contract. Its computeOrders function calculates the appropriate set of orders (Ticks, size, etc.) for current market conditions. Whenever rebalance() is called, Rebalancer cancels existing orders in the orderbook and re-places them according to this strategy logic.

Contract Architecture

Rebalancer consists of two core contracts plus an auxiliary Router (front-end helper):

  1. Rebalancer (IRebalancer)
  2. Strategy (IStrategy)
  3. Router (IRouter)

Below is a description of each contract’s role, key functionalities, and interfaces.

1. Rebalancer (IRebalancer)


  • Creates and manages pools (open)
  • Handles liquidity supply (mint) and withdrawal (burn)
  • Re-distributes orders on Clober DEX (rebalance)

Key Functions / Structs

/// @notice Opens a new pool with the specified parameters.
/// @param bookKeyA The book key for the first book.
/// @param bookKeyB The book key for the second book.
/// @param salt The salt value.
/// @param strategy The address of the strategy.
/// @return key The key of the opened pool.
function open(
IBookManager.BookKey calldata bookKeyA,
IBookManager.BookKey calldata bookKeyB,
bytes32 salt,
address strategy
) external returns (bytes32 key);
  • Creates a new pool, returning a unique key that identifies the pool.
  • bookKeyA, bookKeyB: Clober DEX BookKeys for two tokens.
  • salt: A salt value used for unique pool identification.
  • strategy: The address of the pool-specific IStrategy contract.
/// @notice Mints liquidity for the specified key.
/// @param key The key of the pool.
/// @param amountA The amount of the first token.
/// @param amountB The amount of the second token.
/// @param minLpAmount The minimum amount of liquidity tokens to mint.
/// @return The amount of liquidity tokens minted.
function mint(bytes32 key, uint256 amountA, uint256 amountB, uint256 minLpAmount)
returns (uint256);
  • Supplies liquidity and mints LP tokens.
  • amountA and amountB are the amounts of each asset (token) being supplied, and minLpAmount is the minimum LP token amount minted to guard against slippage.
/// @notice Burns liquidity for the specified key.
/// @param key The key of the pool.
/// @param amount The amount of liquidity tokens to burn.
/// @param minAmountA The amount of the first token to receive.
/// @param minAmountB The minimum amount of the second token to receive.
/// @return The amounts of the first and second tokens to receive.
function burn(bytes32 key, uint256 amount, uint256 minAmountA, uint256 minAmountB)
returns (uint256, uint256);
  • Burns LP tokens to withdraw the proportional amount of assets.
/// @notice Rebalances the pool for the specified key.
/// @param key The key of the pool.
function rebalance(bytes32 key) external;
  • Calls Strategy.computeOrders() to calculate new order placements and re-lists them on the Clober DEX.

2. Strategy (IStrategy)


  • Defines how a pool’s orders are placed, including the Tick positions and amounts.
  • Whenever Rebalancer calls rebalance(), it uses computeOrders() from the Strategy to figure out how to update orders in the orderbook.
  • Includes hooks (mintHook, burnHook, rebalanceHook) that can run custom logic after minting, burning, or rebalancing.

Key Methods

struct Order {
Tick tick;
uint64 rawAmount;

/// @notice Retrieves the orders for a specified key.
/// @param key The key of the pool.
/// @return ordersA The orders for the first token.
/// @return ordersB The orders for the second token.
/// @dev Clears pool orders if an error occurs and retains current orders if the list is empty.
function computeOrders(bytes32 key) external view returns (Order[] memory ordersA, Order[] memory ordersB);
  • For a given pool key, calculates the orderbook positions and sizes for both tokens (A and B).
  • Returns arrays of Order { Tick tick; uint64 rawAmount; }.
  • An empty array means “keep the current orders.” If this function reverts, all existing orders are canceled.

3. Router (IRouter)


  • Helps front-end interactions, making it easier for regular users to supply/withdraw liquidity.
  • Can handle token swaps, permits, etc., in a single interface.
  • When calling mint(), the Router can perform a swap first (via a swap router) to balance token ratios, then call Rebalancer’s mint.

Key Structs / Functions

/// @notice Mints liquidity using the specified parameters, optionally performing a swap beforehand.
/// @dev
/// 1. Optionally calls `router` with `swapParams` if `inCurrency` is non-zero and `amount` > 0.
/// 2. Approves tokens for Rebalancer and calls `mint()` on behalf of the user.
/// @param key A unique key representing the liquidity pool in the Rebalancer.
/// @param amountA The amount of token A to add as liquidity.
/// @param amountB The amount of token B to add as liquidity.
/// @param minLpAmount The minimum LP tokens the user is willing to receive; reverts if slippage is too high.
/// @param currencyAPermitParams Permit parameters for token A (if needed).
/// @param currencyBPermitParams Permit parameters for token B (if needed).
/// @param swapParams Parameters for an optional swap to get token A or B.
function mint(
bytes32 key,
uint256 amountA,
uint256 amountB,
uint256 minLpAmount,
ERC20PermitParams calldata currencyAPermitParams,
ERC20PermitParams calldata currencyBPermitParams,
SwapParams calldata swapParams
) external payable;
  • Optionally performs a swap before supplying liquidity to Rebalancer.
  • Internally calls after preparing tokens through the swapRouter.

Integration Scenario

This section assumes an external Yield Aggregator (or Yield Farmer) wants to leverage Rebalancer to offer yield opportunities to users.

1. Pool Creation (Open)

  1. Permission
    • Anyone can create a pool.
    • If a (bookKeyA, bookKeyB, salt, strategy) combination is already in use, an AlreadyOpened() error occurs.
  2. Calling
    • Requires IBookManager.BookKey structs for bookKeyA and bookKeyB.
    • Provide the address of the IStrategy implementation for strategy.
    • On success, it returns a bytes32 key that identifies the new pool.

2. Liquidity Provision (Mint)

The aggregator can pool user funds to supply liquidity to Rebalancer, receiving the ERC6909 LP tokens in return.

  1. Token Preparation
    • Prepare two asset tokens (tokenA, tokenB) to be supplied into Clober DEX.
    • If needed, use the Router’s swapParams to convert from a single token into the desired ratio before supplying.
  2. Call mint(key, amountA, amountB, minLpAmount)
    • The aggregator receives lpAmount of LP tokens upon success.
  3. LP Token Custody
  • Since the LP token is ERC6909, the aggregator can manage or store it in their contract or a user’s wallet as needed.

3. Withdrawing Liquidity (Burn)

When the aggregator wants to retrieve all or part of its liquidity, the process has two stages:

  1. burn()
    • Burns the lpToken.
    • The proportional amount of TokenA/B go back to the user/aggregator.

4. Rebalance

  • Calling rebalance(key) triggers a call to IStrategy.computeOrders(), generating a new set of orders.
  • Existing orders are canceled (Cancel), and new ones are placed on Clober DEX.
  • Any realized profits (executed orders) are reflected in the pool reserves, and therefore recognized when mint/burn is performed.
  • Aggregators can call rebalance() periodically to optimize market-making efficiency.

Important Considerations

  1. Slippage Protection
    • Use parameters like minLpAmount, minAmountA, minAmountB during mint() and burn() to safeguard against excessive slippage.
  2. Strategy Replacement/Management
    • Each pool is bound to a Strategy. If changes are needed, you might need to open a new pool.
  3. Rebalance Frequency
    • Overly frequent calls incur high gas costs. Too infrequent calls might result in inefficiencies if the market moves significantly.


  • Rebalancer is an infrastructure optimized for orderbook-based market making on Clober.
  • Supply Liquidity: mint() → receive ERC6909 LP tokens.
  • Withdraw Liquidity: burn() → burn LP tokens.
  • Rebalance: rebalance() redistributes liquidity at optimal price points.
  • Router simplifies the process of swapping, minting, etc.

External Yield Aggregators can interact with Rebalancer using this flow:

  1. (Optional) Create a dedicated pool via open().
  2. Supply liquidity via mint() & receive LP tokens.
  3. Periodically call rebalance() to reposition orders.
  4. (When desired) Call burn() to withdraw liquidity.

Using the Router, you can bundle steps like swaps and permits, offering a smoother user experience.


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We hope this document helps you successfully integrate with Rebalancer.